SOCOSTRIP A0109N is a paint stripper activated by hydrogen peroxide, with a very long shelf life.
The Socostrip A0109N has been specifically developed to ensure a minimum 18 month shelf life from date of manufacture.
High efficiciency to remove epoxy, polyurethane, alkydurethane and others paint systems.
The viscosity has been adjusted to ease manual or airless spray application and to cover all surfaces perfectly, even vertical or overhanging.
This product is free of phenols, chlorine, hexavalent chrome.
Limits the risks for health, safety and environment usually linked to paint strippers containing dichloromethane, phenols, chromates or acids.
Controlled evaporation to maintain a wet surface: enhance efficiency, ease the rinsing process.
Compatible with aluminium, titanium and steel alloys
SOCOSTRIP A0109N removes all paints. It is particularly adapted for epoxy, polyurethane and
alkydurethane paints. It is not corrosive and does not embrittle any aeronautical metal.
This product has approvals from:
AIRBUS Conform to SAE MA 4872
AIRBUS OPERATIONS LTD Process Deviation ABP 4-4140
BOEING Conform to Boeing BSS 7432 (has superseded D6 17487)
BOEING Conform to BAC 572
Present stock expiry date: End July 2024
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