Our Ecostrip 600 product is a very effective paint remover for use on buildings.

Ecostrip 600
This product is currently unavailable. We hope to restock in the near future.
This product removes coatings from wood, masonry, brick and steel. It is applied by either brush or spraying methods. The product is UK manufactured and is more effective and efficient than the previous RemovAll range on wood, masonry and metals. Ecostrip 600 paint remover is very successful in removing powder coating from steel within 3 hours and is an excellent option where dip tank processes are not suitable.
We currently have stock available in 5 litre containers, these are available for order from our website shop or by telephone. Larger volumes are available by telephone order. This product has no UN number for transport and can therefore be delivered by standard couriers. Ecostrip 600 is suitable for both industrial and DIY building purposes. You can purchase Ecostrip 600 online.
Ecostrip 500
In addition, to the Ecostrip 600 product we also supply Ecostrip 500, a dip tank product for removal of coatings from metallic substrates. Ecostrip 500 was originally formulated for removal of powder coating from steel substrates. The product contains a corrosive element and therefore requires HAZMAT transport and will not be next day delivery. Please anticipate 7-10 working days for delivery of this product. 25 litre or more drums will be delivered by HAZMAT pallet services and is only available by telephone orders.
Purchase Ecostrip 500 online here.
Please call 01202 892111 with enquiries including volume discounts.
Disposal of Waste
Paint and chemical waste must always be transferred to suitable containers and collection by a specialised disposal company should always be arranged.
Disposal of Packaging
Clean with water and arrange for collection by a specialised disposal company.
It is important to take note of the possible existence of regional or national regulations regarding disposal.
DO NOT allow the product or resultant waste to enter the water-course (aquatic environment).